Umbraco in a load-balanced environment is sort-of a work-in-progress. Many have been able to get it to work, but it can be cumbersome. We're trying to make things easier by giving the distributed cache some love & care.
The time has come to revisit Umbraco's content cache and look at other ways to implement it, beyond XML.
Error "The type 'System.Object' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced." but... how can System.Object not be defined when the CLR is running?
"We don't have plans for further XSLT support moving forward, so we'd rather not add features that we'd need to maintain in the future." So, what becomes of XSLT?
So... CodeFirst is dead. What killed it? And... should we stop talking about it? If CodeFirst is not a solution, what becomes of the problems?
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